There are landscapes
There are landscapes that take your breath away and women that take away your desire to look at them.
There are landscapes that take your breath away and women that take away your desire to look at them.
When a woman decides to go to bed with a man, there is no obstacle she won’t jump, no fortress she won’t knock down, no moral consideration she isn’t willing to overcome for the foundation.
Every type of sign, whether given by words or straps, it doesn’t matter, is a personal growth.
You can carry them with pride or feel mortified by them, personally I experience every scar with transport and awareness and for this I am grateful.
No man can fall in love with a woman who has not imagined himself naked and in the most unthinkable sexual positions.
No woman can fall in love with a man who has not fallen prey to these sensations, unleashing the libido, for her.
According to a recent study, half of men think about sex up to twenty times a day. The other half, on the other hand, thinks about it only once, but for sixteen consecutive hours